If you don’t own a home, rent is likely the largest expense in your monthly budget. Indeed, keeping a roof over your head is paramount, but you should not have to overpay to do so. In fact, saving a little bit each month could lead to grand savings at the end of the year.
With that, this post will focus on ways you can lower your rent expenses.
Renegotiate your lease – Depending on where you are in your lease, having a conversation with your landlord is a good start. Landlords like predictability. So offering a longer lease (such as a 14 month lease as opposed to a 12 month) in exchange for a discount in rent may be the incentive a landlord needs to lower the rent.
Do some shopping – Price matching doesn’t just work in the auto industry. Some landlords will work with clients to keep them where they are at. So if you find a lower, yet similar property, perhaps the landlord will match it.
Mind your energy costs – It goes without saying that energy costs will fluctuate throughout the year. Winter will drive more heat costs, and summer drive more cooling costs. However, using programmable thermostats and energy efficient appliances can help save money.
Take on a roommate – Depending on your sensibilities with sharing space, you could save the most money by taking in someone to share the rent. This is where an experienced attorney can draft a cohabitation agreement to protect your rights.
If you have questions about landlord /tenant issues, an experienced attorney can help.